How to earn 10$ free and instantly withdrawal on PayPal. It’s a real app for earning online easily. How you can earn from the app : Watching...
How to earn 10$ free and instantly withdrawal on PayPal.
It’s a real app for earning online easily.
How you can earn from the app :
- Watching Video
- Inviting friend
- Referring others
How you can withdraw money from the app ?
Withdrawal Able in Paypal.
Minimum withdraw is 0.10$ first time.
One day you can send three withdraw request.
One day you can send three withdraw request.
Usually minimum withdrawal is 10$.
But if you invite anybody you can withdraw 6$ one time.
But if you invite anybody you can withdraw 6$ one time.
How to register this app :
First download the app from the link below
Now open the the app.
Now Click in Button Sign up with Mobile Number or Connect with Facebook.
After do this you have to play a video in next window.
After completing the video you will see a screen with reward menu in footer.
Now click on Reward after clicking reward you should see a redem menu.
If you want to get 1$ free then you have to click on redem option and after clicking you will see a 6 degit blank field where you have to put a code for getting 1$ free.
If you want to get 1$ free then you have to click on redem option and after clicking you will see a 6 degit blank field where you have to put a code for getting 1$ free.
The is " "
After put the code you should get 2 or three or four box.
Now you have to click on those box.
At last you will get 1$ instantly.
Now you have to click on those box.
At last you will get 1$ instantly.
Now how to withdraw :
If you want to withdraw money
Click on the dollar at the top of the screen.
Click on the dollar at the top of the screen.
Now click on Balance
Now click on 0.10$ No fee.
Now click on 0.10$ No fee.
After clicking here you have to give a email address or paypal id.
After finishing withdrawal you will get your money within 7 days.
Keep safe.
Ok.apni hyto bujen nai.ota niye r ekta post quicklykorar try korbo in-sha-allah